Resources / Favorite Quotes

Recommended Reading:
Note... If you are interested in reading any of these books but do not have the means to purchase, please post a comment to this blog and we will assist you.  God bless,  Project 25:40

"The Treasure Principle"  (by Randy Alcorn)
"The Kingdom Assignment"  (by Denny and Leesa Bellesi)
"The Law of Rewards"  (by Randy Alcorn)
"Fields of Gold" (by Andy Stanley)

Favorite Quotes: 

“Every penny given for the Lord’s sake to poor brethren or to the work of God is a treasure laid up in the bank of heaven. When we go to heaven we go to the place where our treasures are, and we shall find them there.” - George Mueller

“I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God's hands, that I still possess.” - Martin Luther

"God so identified with the poor that their cries express divine pain. The bible teaches us that our treatment of them equals our treatment of God." - John Calvin

"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep in order to gain what he cannot lose." - Jim Elliot

"It's time we stop asking 'how much of my money should I give to God?' and start asking 'How much of God's money should I keep?" - Oswald Smith

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