Wells Finished!

The 1st Project 25:40 water well is finished!  

A sincere thank you to all of our fans and friends on Facebook (and others) that made this possible.  

Please see the details below...

     - The well was drilled in a village called Mitika in South Sudan. 
        The GOS coordinates are: N03.502770, E031.364911.

     - The well has 78 active users. 

     - During the drill, 34 people were present to hear the word of God and... 
        3 made a profession of faith after getting to know the WHI crew for a few days!

     - 22 people from the village attended sanitation training.

     - The well was completed on April 20th 

This is awesome news!  
Clean, disease free water for 78 more people & 3 new brothers/sisters in Christ, just awesome.

Check out pictures & stories from the Mitika well... http://www.whiwater.org/wp_pro_2_7_1/project2540/Mitika_index.html

2nd Project 25:40 water well is finished! 

Village: Malakia - Sudan
Payam: Magwi, Nimule
Number of Users: 1000
Attended Sanitation Training: 26
Heard the Gospel: 644
Church: Faith Baptist Church
Date Drilled: November 10,2012
Date Completed: November 12, 2012
Location: N03.602119, E032.060737
Final Depth: 46M
Max Yield: 2400+lts/hr
Pump Installed: India Mark II

- See more at: http://www.whiwater.org/wp_pro_2_7_1/whiwater/Donor2012Malakia.html#sthash.dNdzvo0J.dpuf

3rd Project 25:40 water well is finished! 

Date: April 2013 N9°0.840’
Region: Tchamba - Togo
Village: Poudi

Latitude:  N9°0.840’ Longitude: E1°25.057’
Depth: 11.5 meters 
People Benefitting - approx: 100 

4th Project 25:40 water well is finished! 

Date: April 2013 
Region: Tchamba - Togo 
Village: Kouponi 

Latitude: N9°1.581’ Longitude: E1°25.761’ 
Depth: 12 meters
People Benefitting: approx: 100 

5th Project 25:40 water well is finished!

Date: April 2013 
Region: Tchamba - Togo
Village: Ougnofolou

Latitude: N8°54.541’ Longitude: E1°24.058’ 
Depth: 8.5 meters
People Benefitting: approx: 100 

6th Project 25:40 water well is finished!

Date: April 2013
Region: Tchamba - Togo
Village: Podi

Latitude: N9°0.860’ Longitude: E1°25.054’ 
Depth: 12 meters
People Benefitting: approx: 100 

7th Project 25:40 water well is finished!

Date: April 2013 
Region: Tchamba -Togo
Village: Oudjobe

Latitude: N8°57.195’ Longitude: E1°23.518’ 

Depth: 12 meters
People Benefitting: approx: 100

8th Project 25:40 water well is finished!

Date: March 2013 
Region: Tchamba - Togo
Village: Kouton

Latitude: N9°1.326’ Longitude: E1°25.166’ 
Depth: 13 meters

People Benefitting: approx: 100

9th Project 25:40 water well is finished!

Date: March 2013 
Region: Tchamba - Togo
Village: Afemkabye

Latitude: N9°11.187’ Longitude: E1°30.530’ 
Depth: 10 meters
People Benefitting: approx: 100 

10th Project 25:40 water well is finished!

Date: March 2013 
Region: Tchamba - Togo
Village: Kouponi

Latitude: N9°1.630’ Longitude: E1°25.874’ 

Depth: 11 meters
People Benefitting: approx: 100 

11th Project 25:40 water well is finished!

Date: March 2013 
Region: Tchamba - Togo

Latitude: N8°57.240’ Longitude: E1°26.641’ 
Depth: 11 meters
People Benefitting: approx: 100 

12th Project 25:40 water well is finished!