We are blessed, aren't we? Of course we all have very difficult times, but why do we get to live in such a wonderful country where even the least of us have more than people in poorer countries could ever imagine? Why were we so blessed to live here and not Kenya, Sudan, Guatemala, or in so many other places where every minute people are starving to death and dying of very curable diseases? We don’t know the answer to these questions, but we do know something we ALL can do to help and we can start TODAY!
Project 25:40 is putting action to what God has put on our hearts for this upcoming holiday season and beyond.
Did you know the Bible mentions the poor, orphans, and widows 2103 times. Listen to what the Psalmist says..."I know that the LORD secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy." (Psalm 140:12) and again "He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry. The LORD sets prisoners free" (Psalm 146:7) Don't you think God is trying to tell us something?
We recently podcasted a sermon, “Bigger Barns,” where the congregation sponsors children in Kenya and Guatemala. (Click here to listen to it.) The pastor talked about a compound in these countries (and many others) run by Compassion International that gives children education, meals, bible teachings and simply just a safe place to play. Otherwise these children would have ZERO hope because outside those compound walls are kids starving to death and dying in the streets. The pastor, Matt Chandler, went there himself and was struck most by the children on the outside of the school that had piled trash against the walls just so they could be tall enough to see in. He had to watch those kids with tears in their eyes look into that school and see other children who were well dressed, clean, well fed and getting an education that they could not even fathom. Virtually none of the kids on the outside will get any real education, they might not even get food for the day. In reality, they will be lucky to make it to adulthood. All they could hope for was a glance at what was so close but unattainable. For $32 dollars a month those kids could get everything they need and most importantly, be taught a skill they could use to help improve their future and that of their families all in the name of Christ.
Now, why did we just tell this story? Because we can save some, maybe not all, but at least some. We can make a difference and make it for Christ today! We can use the gracious gifts that our heavenly Father has given us for their good and His glory. Could it be that that is why He has blessed us in the first place?! Some of you don't have the finances to sponsor a child and some of you could sponsor ten. All we are asking is for you to pray about giving to those in need...to make a “Kingdom investment.” Instead of buying your child that one extra toy (that is going to be in the trash at some point anyway) or going to dinner with the family (when you have food at home) or buying that one extra gift for your spouse that you could invest it in something more important, more lasting. Maybe that "extra stuff" isn’t just “extra” to those in need. And maybe, just maybe, it could change someone's life forever...
We would like to ask all who visit this website to think long and hard on this and specifically to pray and ask God if this is a way He would have you use your gifts. If you are interested in making a difference there IS something you can do…
There is this wonderful program through World Vision where you can actually pick out how you would like to bless a family in need who has NOTHING. For $12 dollars, you can buy two ducks that will be hand delivered to an impoverished family. This may not seem like much, but families in these countries can't afford food for their children. With just two ducks, you can help give a family eggs for a year. Plus, they can sell the excess to buy things such as medicine, food and household needs. For $75 dollars, you can buy a family a goat. This provides milk, yogurt, cheese and most importantly, offspring they can sell! They can even use it for fertilizer to improve their crop yield.
Or how would you like to be a part of building a fresh water well for an entire village?! Could you even imagine how that could change lives? These aren't one-time donations that you never think about again. This can be a one-time gift that literally keeps on giving.
What is $100 dollars to you…Is it a nice dinner and a movie? An I-pod? The latest pair of shoes? For some of us it is a tremendous amount and for others it is a passing thought. But for a minute think about what $100 dollars is to people in Kenya, China or Guatemala. It is food, nourishment, income, medicine and health. It is truly life saving. Do we really “need” these extra items? What can we sacrifice for a moment to bless a child for a lifetime? We are not asking everyone to donate $100 dollars. We just want you to think about what that money means to you…and what it might mean to them.
God has called us all to this cause. Not because doing good works gets us into heaven, but because it is a way to show the love of Christ to a world in need. If we have been given much, it is time for us to "freely give." He does NOT want us to give out of obligation but instead with a joyful heart. The Lord wants us to grow in Him having a deeper, more joyful and abundant life. What is more meaningful than changing a familiy's life forever in Jesus name?
Please visit our "Get Involved" page or "Supported Ministries" for more ideas on how to make a "Kingdom investment." We look forward to serving the suffering with you!